Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thai Garbage house

Five years ago, a Thai architect, Rachaporn stumbled upon a unique half-completed house at Onnuch - the biggest garbage disposal area in Bangkok. The house was built from carefully selected garbage and left over metal boxes that were once used for snacks. The details were carefully thought out.

The detail of the opening of the house

The roof tiles are made of the metal boxes cut into small pieces

The columns are reinforce concrete with the metal bins as stay-in-place molds

The owner of the house was a man in his 40s, who never built anything in his life before. This is not quite the traditional house that we associate with vernacular architecture. But it does the description of ‘architecture without architects’, and in some ways more interesting than many of the neo-vernacular style housing that we trained-architects design.

Rachaporn describes the garbage house as an example of ‘contemporary vernacular architecture’.

Source: Rachaporn Choochuey's Blog - Phi Phi Design Workshop

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Kyle and Svet Keeton said...

This garbage house is great, what a determined person, Is he still alive and is he going to complete? I would love to finish a place like this and live in it, Well maybe not so near a dump, buy if that is what you have to do you live there. Good article.


Mazlin Ghazali said...

I'll go back to where I got this story from: an architect based in Thailand. The pictures were taken 5 years ago.The house should be finished by now! Time for an update!