Thursday, November 1, 2007

Quarter-detached houses in Maran

The cluster house (Charles Bage, England), le carre mulhouse (Muller, France), the quadruple house (Frank Lloyd Wright, US) – different names for a type of house that did not quite catch on anywhere in the world…….except perhaps in Malaysia. It is not that this house-type is common, but developers here have been building cluster houses since the 1970’s.
Initially, they were low-cost houses, but lately they have tended to be priced in a more expensive category – cheaper than semi-detached houses, but more expensive than terrace houses.

In Maran, a district town in the state of Pahang in Malaysia, I have designed a cul-de-sac neighbourhood right next to the town-centre.

Mosaic cul-de-sac

In this layout are “quarter-detached houses” - the same concept with yet another name (sorry).

Quarter-detached houses

Then there are the “corner quarter detached houses”, a close relative of Frank Lloyd Wright’s quadruple house: viewed from any one driveway, you see a unit that looks like a detached house!

corner quarter-detached house

There are also “garden townhouses”, much like the quarter-detached houses, but with separate units upstairs and downstairs; and with each unit having its own garden and private car porch.

Downstairs unit, with a garden at the side

Upstairs unit with a garden and porch below

There is a variant of the garden townhouse when it is located at the corner of two streets.

16Mb,60 seconds

More about this project later.

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Kyle and Svet Keeton said...

Those are nice homes.

I would love one here in Moscow all we have are Flats. Any single family dwelling is out of city limits.


Mazlin Ghazali said...

Kuala Lumpur has the advantages of being a small city of about 4 miilion. I live in a "kampong baru"(new village) community 15 minutes from the city centre.
But I don't get to walk to work!
Can't have it all!