Sunday, September 9, 2007

Traditional Log Cabin in Serbia

From: Maya

This log cabin is from the Sirogojno village museum in the Mount Zlatibor plataeu about 130 km south of Belgrade in Serbia. Here, examples of traditional Serb houses are preserved.


Mount Zlatibor (Serb for ‘golden pine’) is a stunningly beautiful land of rolling hills; but life here must have been hard:

“Life was organised in large families - cooperatives with strictly imposed rules and traditional ways of behaviour, with special respect for mutual relationships, rights and duties demanded various kinds of buildings and their proper location within the homestead. As a rule the Zlatibor homestead is situated on specially chosen sunny sloping terrain protected from the winds. The highest point is reserved for the house and a few cottages - the dwellings and other accompanying buildings used for food storage. The lower levels harbour the stables, pig sties and sheep pens and a little further down we can find orchards, fields and vegetable gardens.”


A young Serb architecture student, Titja, posted these drawings at pushpullbar forum

The distinctive shape of the log cabin is still retained for the smaller single room cottages, and also the 'Hut-kućer' - a movable bed on sledge which can be drawn to different places so that the shepherds could always be near their flocks.


I visited Belgrade in 1976 when I was still 18, travelling mostly alone across Europe, and I especially remember how it seemed to me people there were friendlier than in other cities I'd been too. Sadly, I did not go to Mount Zlabitor. Maybe one day.....


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Kyle and Svet Keeton said...

put me down for reservations to live there, I would be in Heaven in that style of living. Those homes are just beautiful.


Lifelink said...

Really nice and interesting post. I was looking for this kind of information and enjoyed reading this one. CABIN LOG