"Center pivot irrigation is basically a method of agricultural irrigation which results in a circular field of crops. a huge column of sprinklers, fixed to the ground at one end, slowly travels around in a circle whilst spraying the crops below. you can see the sprinkler arms, some of which can reach a kilometre in length".
The hexagonal forms look like they are made up of clusters of houses in the middle and farmland radiating out.

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That is really fantastic pictures. The farms that I grew up on never had sprinkler arms that long. More like several hundred yards at the most.
Are the Homes in the hexagonal forms facing each other or facing the field?. (Other words the front of the house.)
The center of the circle is it a safe area for kids or is it equipment storage?
Love those circles.
Kyle & Svet
It is a nice planning. It seen has a focus point at there. This planning is similar like main street at France. If they can full use of that place,sure,that place will be systematically and interesting.
Kami sekeluarga ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK.
Kami memohon ampun maaf atas sebarang dosa atau kesilapan.
Semoga Ramadhan membawa keberkatan kepada semua.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:”Sesiapa yang ingin diluaskan rezekinya, dipanjangkan umurnya, maka hendaklah ia memanjangkan silaturrahim”
When I first arrived in view of the metropolis I was looking out and down from a window hovering above… the room I was in was completely dark and I was alone. Looking out and down I saw a city that was larger than any city I’d ever seen before. I noticed that all the structures seemed to circle in towards the center. It was huge expansive intricately embroidered with technical diversity… architecturally abstruse at its center the buildings were opaque blackened not unlike crystal formation… extending to odd heights and angles. Out from the center the architecture started to blend into buildings of mason stone and steel. As I looked closer I started to notice that there were long white cylinder trains that spiraled in and out from the city center…in this city there were no cars. At this moment of realization that this city is absent of cars and all the cities I know are completely infested by them I questioned: Where am I. I observed deeper into the city. I was amazed by the diversity of structures and marveled at the silhouettes of the people in motion. It was truly immense. I moved away from the window trying now to adjust my vision inwards this darkened room, I moved with my hands sweeping the area in front of me trying to feel something… arriving with my palms flat on a wall that echoed ever so faintly with the rhythm of motion. I let my hands guide me through the dark following the smooth wall until I arrived back to the window where I looked out once more. It appeared that in my absence from the window we had gained some elevation. I could now see that the city was in fact circular with a diameter approximately ten miles across and that the entire inner city was environed by a garden/green belt maybe one mile wide. In this green belt I saw pebbled pathways, sculpted gardens and the like… with the faint details of people in motion. The trains continued to spiral outwards/inwards missing this area all together. Just then we gained more elevation and I could see for miles now. Out from this green belt was what appeared to be the agricultural belt… it was by far the largest area of the metropolis approximately twenty miles wide extending the entire perimeter of the whole… lakes and streams were in abundance…I could see greenhouses, open farmlands… grain and orchard. In other areas there were cattle grazing, horses, and other livestock. The trains continued their spiral inwards/outwards towards the last perimeter of the whole. The entire area was environed by what appeared to be a brick building approximately ten stories high. I could only guess that this is where some of the people lived as well as where some of the goods were stored and I could only imagine how well these people lived. Beyond the outer building that enclosed the metropolis within there was the natural landscapes, forests, and terrain. How amazing the view out this one window could be I was completely overwhelmed. I imagined for a moment the wealth and pride each member of this society must enjoy as they looked out their windows each day. Out one side they could see the wilderness beyond and out the other they looked into their farmlands towards their city center. Beyond the city heading off in straight lines through the forests I saw the faint detail of the trains heading out towards other circular cites in the distance, and beyond the horizon..
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On a cross-country flight across the US I saw many such circular fields and was intriguied by them- and hence this search which led me here! It is amazing that argriculture has advanced so much. I also saw many half-circular fields laying here and there. I wonder whats the advantage of this kind of irigation- becoz a lot of land doesnot get used at all due to this kind of shape!
Yes, there is land between the circles that is wasted. Readers who are familiar with my work will be recognize my familiar refrain -"circles don't tessellate".
But in many parts of the world, land is plentiful; but water is precious.
Here is Hexagon World: http://community.livejournal.com/new_hex_world
and hexagon monocell (monosota) houses: http://monosottage.ru
Hi all! :)
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