The most beautiful lamp posts in Malaysia can be said to be found in the new administrative capital of Putrajaya. It appears as if every road there must have lamp posts with its own distinctive design.

But the signature lamp posts along with the signature bridges and buildings, do not make this new city a place that I would like to live in (even if I could afford to buy a decent house there)!

For me, the most interesting lamposts are along the Middle Ring Road, alongside Taman Melawati.
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On my way home from monthly trips to Kuantan, usually just before dusk, I always look out for big birds that like to perch on the lamp posts along a 2 to 3 kilometer stretch of this road. And I've wondered about them for a long time...

Ani Mardiastuti
Yesterday was Labour Day holiday. On a family outing to the zoo, I've discovered that they are Milky Storks or 'Burung Upeh Botak' (bald upeh bird). There was a large flock of them on an island in the zoo's lake. They are not fenced in, so sometimes they fly out.
"The globally threatened Milky Stork 'Mycteria cinerea' faces extinction in the wild in Malaysia, according to Yeap Chin Aik of the Malaysian Nature Society.
The species is a predominantly a coastal resident in Indonesia and Malaysia, inhabiting mangroves and adjacent swamps.....(but) these tidal forests are threatened by agricultural conversion and development schemes, particularly large-scale fish farms, tidal rice cultivation, logging and related disturbance".
This bit of information makes me more eager to look out for these birds anytime I'm in the neighbourhood!
"But the signature lamp posts along with the signature bridges and buildings, do not make this new city a place that I would like to live in (even if I could afford to buy a decent house there)!"
Why it doesn't make the city a place that you would like to live in?
Happy Holidays!
Kyle & Svet
i realized the different design in the lamp post when i first time went into putrajaya. I have the same comment as yours. The lampposts along MRR2 are much more interesting than those in putrjaya..I started to question, what is the significant of having different design of lamp post at different precinct??what is the prime function of the lamp post?did the design contributes to the function?then why send time and more on it?isn't it better to save the cost form the lamp post and invest it in building a better public space?or to plant more trees along the boulevard?..by the way, I will usually keep an eye on the whole stretch of the road just to look for the bird standing on the lamp post..
Hei , thanks for your comments. Always happy to know that someone is reading this stuff...
I am not a fan of expensive decorations. I prefer a tree any time...
great posting.. that's a really good product
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