Sunday, October 28, 2007

So you want to be an architect?

One of my favourite architectural blogs is by Calvin Ngan, an architectural student in Australia. He is certainly my favourite Malaysian blogger. This young man may not be as sophisticated as other bloggers, but he is by turn, funny, intelligent, and very angry. He reminds me of what it means to be a young wannabe architect, who’s not sure that that is what he wants to be. For a sample:

“So you want to be an architect?”

"Well, a lot of people say that their dream is to become an architect, but what kind of architect they want to be? If you’re talking about building a virtual world then I am sure that you know the guy from the matrix movie - The Architect."

"I don’t know why did the Wakiki(sic)Brothers name him simply as The Architect, but what I couldn’t understand is that how in the world did the people from the computer industry monopolise the definition for architect. Simply do a search for the keyword “architect” and chances are you’re likely to get a lists of computer related websites. No wonder Bill Gates called himself Chief Software Architect. Now, that is the kind of architect I want to be - filthy rich.”

His best posts are those where he writes about Malaysia, where he questions architecture, and when he agonizes about why the hell he should try to become an architect:

A glimpse into my past

What is architecture?

Happy Independence Day

Postcards from Malaysia

World’s Oldest Profession

Foster & Partners: Petronas University of Technology

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Jason Rutberg said...

I can answer your question being a software architect myself. There was a book on "architecture" put out by Christopher Alexander called "The Timeless Way Of Building" which greatly influenced the Design Pattern movement in Software Engineering. you can go here for more info on Christopher Alexander's Pattern Language

You are quite obviously a structural architect. Well, I have some structural drawings that you may be interested in.

Dr. Mark Taylor, of Atlanta Live Media, is auctioning a 75 piece, 100 year old, family collection of pencil and ink drawings by artist Charles S. Gibson (1892-1973) not to be confused with Charles Dana Gibson (1867-1944), who created the Gibson Girl. They are really nice pieces of artwork.

I REALLY wish I could embed the pictures in this post for you. This is all pen & ink drawings and some of the structures are very impressive.

There are also some pretty impressive muscle drawings in this collection - of the face, arms, legs, etc.

So if you are interested, check it out. Who knows, it might inspire you :)

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Unknown said...

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Thanks and Welcome