Sunday, March 17, 2013

Creating a 6 storey high courtyard from where every unit is accessed

 This is how the six storey high courtyard, from where every unit is accessed, is created:

Two double storey apartments occupy three floors, one placed on top of the other such that access to both apartment units are on the courtyard level, with one unit connected to another floor below the courtyard level, and the other joins to another floor above the courtyard level.

This is the view of those 2 apartments from the side.
Stacking two pairs of these interlocking apartments on top of each other produces a three storey high courtyard.

But stacking these apartments on top of each other such that the courtyards flip from one side to the opposite produces a six storey high courtyard.

The courtyards flip from one position to the other to create the 6-storey courtyards.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Mr Mazlin!

Thank you for sharing this interesting post! It is an amazing idea that could change the way high-rise residences are constructed.
To have your own open space and garden in the sky is a hope that this is a dream come true!