Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hillside Honeycomb Layout

A common question I get is whether the tessellation layout is suitable for sloping sites. I had a go at trying to answer this on my FAQ’s page, but perhaps the answer there was a bit too theoretical.

My office just prepared a tessellation housing layout on a sloping piece of land – it's our first opportunity to flesh out some of the details on a real site.

There is about a 13m (43’) difference in level between the highest and lowest points on the site. Maximum slope on the roads is 1:10, and the highest retaining wall is 4.5m (15’).

More later.

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Kyle and Svet Keeton said...

Now that is a cool design. I love the look of your layouts.

Looks like it works fine on a slope and that seems to be a pretty good slope. with 15 foot retaining walls and 43 foot level difference!

Is this housing price reasonable? Does building on a slope increase the price over flatter terrain?


Kyle and Svet Keeton said...

By the way I had a reader leave me a comment on the Russian Computers Article. He gave prices and lots of details. You might want to check and see what he wrote. His name is Peter.

I could not answer your question but Peter saw your comment and gave a answer.

Have a nice day
